Technologie | Tradedoubler – Connect and Grow Mon, 26 Oct 2020 10:53:38 +0000 nl hourly 1 Technologie | Tradedoubler – Connect and Grow 32 32 How to build a strong user acquisition strategy for your app Mon, 26 Oct 2020 10:51:13 +0000

Finding the right users for your app is a challenge. At Tradedoubler we say: “Challenge accepted!”
We leverage a unique mix of partnerships to offer a performance-based app install solution to marketers looking to drive high value users to their apps.

The post How to build a strong user acquisition strategy for your app first appeared on Tradedoubler – Connect and Grow.


Finding the right users for your app is a challenge.

At Tradedoubler we say: “Challenge accepted!”


Recent research estimates that the cost to develop an app of good quality ranges from $60.000 up to more than $230.0001. With more than 2 million apps to choose from in App Stores, we can now truly say there is an app for everything.

In this overcrowded market, driving the right users to discover an app is the number one challenge marketers face.

At Tradedoubler we like to say: “Challenge accepted!”

Our recent announcement of Pocket Media’s App Install business line acquisition has been received with great interest and we are very excited about this opportunity.


Here are top 3 reasons why our clients love it:

1. We have a performance-oriented business model, from cost-per-install to cost-per-action. This shows we are invested in our clients’ success and are committed to deploy the best app expertise to ensure it.

2. We leverage a unique mix of partnerships to acquire high value app users. Your ads are tailored to show in a variety of formats to match audience behaviour and best practices of each placement.

3. Thanks to our integrations with leading measurement and tracking partners, we have a simple campaign launch process, so our clients can focus on what’s important for them: watching the sales grow.


Matthias Stadelmeyer, Tradedoubler CEO is looking forward to the future: “I am really excited that we are able to offer this great performance-based solution to our clients. Especially now at this time, as we will help them give their year-end business another boost.”


To start increasing your app revenue effectively, reach out to your Tradedoubler representative, or fill in our Contact form to get a call from us.



1 – MSLDev – App development cost

The post How to build a strong user acquisition strategy for your app first appeared on Tradedoubler – Connect and Grow.

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Don’t risk to lose half of your revenue! Wed, 25 Sep 2019 08:15:03 +0000 Cookies

With 3rd Party Cookies Publishers risk to lose more than 50% of revenue   A study recently published by Google reveals that the average revenue of the top global publishers would decrease by over 50% if Google disabled access to cookies. The findings of this study underline the necessity for...

The post Don’t risk to lose half of your revenue! first appeared on Tradedoubler – Connect and Grow.


With 3rd Party Cookies Publishers risk to lose more than 50% of revenue


A study recently published by Google reveals that the average revenue of the top global publishers would decrease by over 50% if Google disabled access to cookies. The findings of this study underline the necessity for our advertisers to move to 1st party tracking rather today than tomorrow!


In their recent study “Effect of disabling third-party cookies on publisher revenue” Google ran a randomized controlled experiment to empirically quantify the effect that disabling access to 3rd party cookies would have on the programmatic ad revenue of web publishers. “We observed that for the top 500 global publishers, average revenue in the treatment group decreased by 52%, with a median per-publisher decline of 64%.”, Deepak Ravichandran, Principal Engineer for Google Display Ads, discovered.


Tradedoubler offers an advanced tracking technology that minimises the risk of lost revenue for publishers resulting from third party cookie blocking. Many of our clients are already taking advantage of our First Party Cookie validation, such as IKEA and many others. First Party Cookie validation, alongside our Cross-Device Tracking, Cookieless Tracking and Exclusive Voucher Tracking solutions, provides our Advertisers with a full and highly detailed overview of their Affiliate activity on Tradedoubler’s network. We have code examples for server-side 1st party integrations and we can support clients through tracking migration. Talk to your Account Manager if you have not upgraded to 1st party tracking yet!


Read more details in our recent blog articles about this topic:

Is this the death of 3rd Party Cookies?

Why you should move to First Party Cookies tracking before Valentine’s Day

The importance of using First Party Cookies for affiliate marketing activities

The post Don’t risk to lose half of your revenue! first appeared on Tradedoubler – Connect and Grow.

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What is an API Thu, 28 Mar 2019 11:43:27 +0000 API

What is an API and how can you benefit Surfing the internet, especially if you are a Digital Marketer, you’ve likely seen the term “API” mentioned a few times, maybe associated with big brands such as Facebook, Google or Amazon. Or even operating systems, web browsers, and app updates often...

The post What is an API first appeared on Tradedoubler – Connect and Grow.


What is an API and how can you benefit

Surfing the internet, especially if you are a Digital Marketer, you’ve likely seen the term “API” mentioned a few times, maybe associated with big brands such as Facebook, Google or Amazon. Or even operating systems, web browsers, and app updates often announce new APIs for developers.

Application Programming Interface 

API stands for Application Programming Interface and at some point or another, most large companies have built APIs for their customers, or for internal use. You have been using APIs yourself without maybe even knowing while commenting on a Facebook post from a third-party website while paying for those brand-new pink shoes on that fancy website using your PayPal Account, or even while checking on a shop’s website and searching for your local store using Google Maps. But what is it? What exactly is an API?

You can think of an API like the menu from your favourite restaurant. Each menu gives you a list of dishes available to order, along with the description of what will be served. When you specify what you want from the menu, the waiter takes your order to the restaurant’s kitchen, which carries out the work and provides you with the finished dish. You don’t know how the restaurant prepares your food, and in reality, you don’t really need to.

This little metaphor maybe doesn’t cover all the API scenarios (especially if you are a developer!), but it is a good compromise to explain broadly how APIs work. 

APIs : Scalability and flexibility 

Nowadays, in the era of fast data consumption, where data can be accessed/provided from any sort of device, it is important for companies supplying digital services to provide their users (both internal and external) with a range of APIs. Reporting, product feeds upload/download, conversion piggybacking, voucher upload/fetching, claims handling are just some of the APIs that Tradedoubler provides to advertisers and publishers to help streamline their processes and increase their performance.

Using an API doesn’t just give you access to a huge amount of data, but also means you don’t even need to worry about storage. Our APIs give you the flexibility to access data in real-time, without the need to develop a solution for storage or costly database maintenance. Some examples? We have many publishers in our network using our Voucher Feed API to take control over their discount and promotional coupons in real time, grabbing the latest deals from our advertisers. Additionally comparison sites or even full eCommerce shops are not storing a single product on their database and fetch all products in real time from our Product Feeds API: in this way they don’t need to update the existing products as the API will always serve the freshest data (updated pricing, descriptions and availability). You can find a quick demo built on top of our Product API here.

Our mission is to connect and grow our advertisers and publishers, and by developing new APIs and leveraging their usage we are building a platform to let them work together with ease


Product API and the benefits of automatic item updates 

In one of our latest blog posts we’ve talked about product feeds, that we identify as an area of major interest. Product feeds are of undeniable importance for all verticals, but some specific industries require very specific characteristics in order to deliver profits to their maximum potential.

In the era of fast data consumption, retailers are adapting their business models to meet consumers’ expectations and of course to stay ahead of their competitors. Dynamic pricing data is becoming more and more utilized on different verticals, from fashion to retail, passing through grocery.

At Tradedoubler we provide our advertisers with the Product Open API service, which allows them to programmatically push product data to our systems and make them available for our publishers in real time. In this way, publishers will always get the “freshest” products, giving them the chance to display the best relevant offer for their users.


APIs: a fundamental future of our platform

During the last 10 years Tradedoubler has increasingly supported the use of an innovative suite of integrations and APIs to facilitate efficient and agile information exchange. All new developments, starting with our new Publisher Interface and new Publisher API, are developed fully based on the recently announced vision of a modern, future looking Open Platform where advertisers and publishers can work together with ease and Connect and Grow through Tradedoubler.

If you are a developer and you want to know more about our APIs, please follow this link or reach out directly to me at, or if you are a client and need any support for the integration please contact your local Technical Client Manager.

The post What is an API first appeared on Tradedoubler – Connect and Grow.

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